Spartan Survival Guide

Faculty Description[]

The central mission of the International and Global Studies Program (IGS) is to provide a structured context in which to study international and global topics and problems that link and transcend traditional disciplinary parameters. In the framework of one of three interdisciplinary concentrations, students cultivate a range of skills of particular value in professional and personal endeavors where an understanding of other societies and cultures, global processes, and foreign languages at an advanced (300) level of proficiency is important. IGS students are strongly encouraged to participate in study abroad opportunities as well as to take part in extracurricular activities with an international or global focus as complementary means to enhance their appreciation of other peoples and lands and to enrich their overall undergraduate experience.

Student Description[]

The International and Global Studies department is pretty cool. Robert Campo is pretty helpful in helping you map out the classes you need and what you need for the major. A lot of it is still growing so there's a lot of flexibility to learn what you want to learn. There's also a lot of cross-listed classes so if you can't get in through IGS you can try through the other departments. The majors are pretty good on their own but if you combine them with anything else it looks great and it's pretty easy because there will most likely be some amount of overlap.


International and Global Affairs and Development Major

International and Global Arts and Belief Systems Major

Regional Studies

  • Russian Studies Major
  • European Studies Major
  • Latin American and Caribbean Studies Major


International and Global Affairs and Development Minor

International and Global Arts and Belief Systems Minor

Regional Studies

  • Russian Studies Minor
  • European Studies Minor
  • Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor
  • African Studies Minor
  • Asian Studies Minor